Name: Elizabeth Danish, PT, DPT

Position: Director of Physical Therapy

Education: Undergraduate: University of Georgia; Graduate: Georgia State University

Certifications: Board Certified Pediatric Clinical Specialist, APTA Credentialed CI Level 1

Areas of Interest: Intensive Therapy Program

About Me: I live in Decatur and love spending time in the city with friends and family. I enjoy traveling, shopping at antique stores, and searching for seashells on the beach. I also spend a lot of time running, still working on enjoying it!

Fun facts/Hobbies: I have a twin sister. I have completed the Triple Peach Race Series in 2022. My favorite food is a donut from Browns Restaurant in Ocean City, New Jersey.

What do you love about TOTS: I love working at TOTS and being a part of such a wonderful caring community! It is a joy to get to know all of the families and staff who are a part of the TOTS family. Sharing all of our accomplishments and good times on social media is so much fun as well.

Email: [email protected]